The Laboratory of Experimental Psychology – LEP-BL is a research unit within the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was officially established in June 2017.

The main activities of LEP-BL include research, education and dissemination of knowledge. Members of the laboratory conduct research on a broad variety of topics related to cognitive, motivational and emotional processes. While experimental studies represent the focus of the laboratory, a multi-methodological approach to investigated phenomena is strongly encouraged.

Students who join us can significantly improve their knowledge of experimental psychology, develop a rigorous scientific method and enhance overall academic skills. In addition, we are committed to fostering dialogue with the academic community as well as dissemination of empirical facts about various topics of interest to a wider audience.

LEP-BL gathers a number of faculty members, external collaborators and students from the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculy of Philology of the University of Banja Luka.